Along with the economic development PT. Mega Bank on 1996 being take over by PARA GROUP (PT. Para Global Investindo dan PT. Para Rekan Investama). It Start with one family business called PT. Bank Karman ( Karya Mandiri ) that established on 1969 at Surabaya,with further business step on 1992 the board decided to changed corporate name into PT. Mega Bank and carried out to relocate their head office into Jakarta. Currently we open recruitment to fill position as :
Funding Officer
Surakarta (jawa tengah)
Qualification :
- Required skill (s): has an extensive network and relationships for program funding, attractive and extensive business minded, have experience in the field of banking marketing minimal 1th, willing to work with the target system, Have a good insight and analysis on the industry & business .
- Men and Women
- Education Min. D3 GPA> 2.75
- Preferably experienced in banking
- Having a persuasive communication skills and negotiate well
- Required language (s): Chinese, English, Indonesian
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap anda, Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6, ijazah & traskip nilai dengan mencantumkan “Kode Posisi” di sudut kiri atas amplop maksimal tanggal 21 september 2012, ke alamat HRD PT. Bank Mega, Tbk di bawah ini :
PT. Bank Mega, Tbk Kantor Cabang Solo PT. Bank Mega, Tbk KCP Urip Sumoharjo
Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 323 Solo Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 47 Solo
PT. Bank Mega, Tbk KCP Klaten PT. Bank Mega, Tbk KCP Boyolali
Jl. Pemuda Selatan No. 119 Klaten Jl. Raya Pandanaran No. 51 Boyolali
PT. Bank Mega, Tbk KCP Sukoharjo PT. Bank Mega, Tbk KCP Sragen
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 119 Sukoharjo Jl. Raya Sukowati No. 135 Sragen