PT Kereta Api Logistik (KALOG) recruitment - is the parent company under the PT. Kereta Api (persero) which is doing business in the field of logistics distribution based on service trains, business Orientation KALOG fore is a distribution logistics services as a Total Solution through an "End-to-End Services" or in other words as a SCM Service Provider. The function and role of kontributif against the services that KALOG has been provided by the parent is as "creator of added value (value creator) along the value chain (value chain) distribution logistics services, including services provided by Train PT. (Persero), such as the transport of goods and warehouse. Rail logistics (Persero) is not used as a passenger transport, but only specific to the transportation of goods to free jammed more quickly, and economically. The cost per one-way fares in the railway services are either heavily influenced by weight or weight and the distance traveled, the time it takes a skilled workforce diverse backgrounds to fill the following positions :
Level Manager
- Manager Administrasi & Keuangan Joint Operation
- Manager Joint Operation
- Manager Operasional
- Manager Konstruksi
- Manager Administrasi Operasi
- Manager Operasional
Level Asisten Manager
- Asisten Manager Operasi Jasa Hantaran/Kurir
- Asisten Manager Koordinator Joint Operation
- Asisten Manager Operasi Angkutan Batubara
- Asisten Manager Operasi Angkutan Semen & Lainnya
- Asisten Manager Mechanical
- Asisten Manager Civil
Level Supervisor
- Supervisor Marketing Container Area Kalimas, Surabaya
- Supervisor Marketing Container Jakarta
- Supervisor Marketing Forwarding
Level Staf
- Staf Marketing Container
- Staf Sistem & Anggaran
- Staf Controller
- Staf Treasury
- Sales Kurir
If you are interested please submit your application to :
PT Kereta Api Logistik Recruitment
For more information how to apply for available positions and please visit :