Gudang Garam Recruitment - Is the starting point for the establishment of Gudang Garam cigarette company that began in a cottage industry . Products manufactured cigarettes is the first time SKL and SKT . SKL and production branch was established in Gurah SKT , 13 kilometers southeast of the town of Kediri , in order to meet increasing market demand . Every day there are about 200 employees to travel round-trip - Kediri Gurah using a special railroad car financed company . Along with the development of more advanced business , in September 1968 established a production unit called Unit I on a piece of land of 1000 square meters . In the same year also built a new production unit called Unit II .
Gudang Garam was originally a cottage industry to change the status of Proprietorship into Firma . Production units moved from Gurah to Kediri . Gudang Garam back to change the status of a firm into Limited Liability Company ( PT ) . In the same year , published in the form of government assistance facility of Domestic Investment (DCI ) , which further supports the development of the business . Gudang Garam listed its shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange , which changed its status into a public company.
Purchasing Staff
- Education S1 Mechanical Engineering / Industrial Engineering, with GPA min. 3:00
- Age max. 26 years
- Able to read engineering drawings
- MS Office & English
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