Lowongan kerja PT Telkom 2018 - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Persero) commonly called Telkom Indonesia or Telkom alone is an information and communication company as well as a complete telecommunications service and network provider in Indonesia. Telkom claims to be the largest telecommunications company in Indonesia, with a fixed telephone number of 15 million and cellular telephone subscribers of 104 million.
Telkom is one of the SOEs whose shares are currently owned by the Government of Indonesia (52.47%), and 47.53% owned by the Public, Bank of New York, and Domestic Investors. [1] Telkom is also the majority shareholder in 13 subsidiaries, including PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel).
The current President Director of Telkom is Alex Janangkih Sinaga.
Telkom is a state-owned company engaged in telecommunications and network services in the territory of Indonesia and is therefore subject to applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia. With its status as a state-owned company whose shares are traded on the stock exchange, the majority shareholder of the Company is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia while the rest is controlled by the public. The Company's shares are traded on the IDX, NYSE, LSE and Public Offering Without Listing ("POWL") in Japan.
Persyaratan Pencari Kerja :
- Pencari Kerja merupakan pensiunan normal mulai dari 1 Oktober 2017 s/d Agustus 2018
- Status pencaker adalah sebagai karyawan dipekerjakan kembali (Rehired)
- Masa kontrak max. 2 tahun atau kurang dari 2 tahun sesuai dengan kesepakatan
- Pensiunan dapat melamar dalam program rehire max. 2 (dua) kali
- Pencari Kerja mengisi form aplikasi online dan bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi lebih lanjut bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan
- Pencari Kerja hanya dapat melamar pada job position yang telah ditetapkan
- Pencari Kerja hanya bisa memilih 1 job position yang bisa dilamar
- Pencari Kerja diperbolehkan melamar job position diluar lokasi terakhir bekerja
- Pencari Kerja hanya dapat melamar pada band dalam jabatan yg sama atau 1 band dibawahnya
- Segala biaya yang dikeluarkan pencaker selama mengikuti seleksi menjadi tanggungan pencaker
Info Rekrutmen :
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